ConservativeWave » Yesterday, 9:15 pm » wrote: ↑
Democrats KEEP TRYING to minimize the President Donald Trump HAS BEEN, and IS TODAY... by pushing the BS that we have been hearing to 8 years...
The only problem... is that MORE, and MORE people are LEAVING the Liberal Democrat SINKING SHIP, and are coming over to the REPUBLICAN... MAKE America GREAT Again... ROCKET SHIP !!
YOU Libs REALLY should LEARN something... and that is... The Democrat party is on life support and DYING a PATHETIC DEATH... as Democrats LOSE more and more of their DEEP STATE corrupt CASH COW sources of unlimited MONEY... and Donald Trump gets more and MORE popular... and as he RACKS UP more and more successes... and exposes more and more Democrat Waste, Abuse and CORRUPTION?... all Democrat can do is SQUEAL !
IT IS NOT looking good for Democrats !!
trump has lost any democrat support he had by massive layoffs and cutting departments.